
Compensation Committee

Duration: 2023/06/12~2026/06/11

In accordance with Article 4 of the “Compensation Committee Charter“ established by the Company, the functions of the Committee shall be to evaluate, in a professional and objective position, the remuneration policies and systems of the directors and managers of the Company and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for reference in their decision-making.

The responsibilities of the Committee are

1. The Committee shall prescribe and periodically review the performance review and compensation policy, system, standards, and structure for directors and managerial officers.
2. The Committee shall periodically evaluate and prescribe the compensation of directors and managerial officers.

Member of Compensation Committee

MemberPositionCompensation CommitteeEducation & Experience
Way, Tzong DerIndependent DirectorMember• Ph.D. in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, National Taiwan University
• Professor of the Department of Biotechnology, Academy of Technology, Pharmacy and Food Science, China Medical University
Chao, Ying ChenIndependent DirectorChairman• Master of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University
• EMBA, Sun Yat-Sen University
• Director of TSMC Sixth Factory, General Manager of TSMC Mainland• DirectorChina of TSMC Solar Co., Ltd.
Tsai, Kao ChungIndependent DirectorMember• Ph.D., Old Dominion University/Eastern Virginia Medical School, US
• President of Mycenax Biotech Inc.
• Chief Operation and Strategy Officer, GenomeFrontier Therapeutics, Inc.d.

Operational situation of Compensation Committee

A total of 10 Audit Committee meetings were held in the previous period (2023). The attendance of the independent directors was as follow

NameRequired AttendanceAttendance in PersonBy ProxyAttendance rateRemark
Way, Tzong Der330100% 
Chao, Ying Chen330100% 
Tsai, Kao Chung110100%<Note 1>
Wen, Kuo-Lan220100%

<Note 2>

Note 1 : Resigned on 2024/5/14
Note 2 : Started on 2024/5/14


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